Dr. Alice Ingram

Dr. Ingram practices Functional Medicine to help patients heal by addressing their conditions' root causes. After becoming ill from mold-related illness, she founded Family Functional Medicine to help others with mold exposure, digestive disorders, and gut-related metabolic, hormonal, and brain disorders.

Functional medicine is becoming the medicine for the 21st century because we don’t get stuck trying to fix one symptom at a time with a pill. We look for underlying causes of illness that help us discover how multiple symptoms can stem from a few root causes.

Mary Bryan-Stewart

Mary is a Functional Medicine Certified Health Coach. Her passion for health and nutrition blossomed in her youth, inspired by her first Earth Day experience, which resulted in a desire to plant a garden. She holds a BA in Communications from the University of Wisconsin-Madison and is a graduate of the Functional Nutrition Alliance program.

Don’t Let Mold Control Your Health—Take Back Your Wellbeing Today!”

Enroll now in our comprehensive Mold Education Course and gain the tools to protect your family’s health and restore your home.

Special Disaster Relief Pricing: $15
(Normally $50)

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Disclaimer: This course is for those exploring the possibility of utilizing a holistic, functional medicine perspective to support healthy habit changes. This course is for educational purposes only and does NOT constitute specific medical advice nor does taking this course create a physician/patient relationship.

There are no guarantees made on accuracy at time of course publication, as the landscape of medicine and research changes daily. Always check with your personal physician.

Supplements and nutritional supplements may interfere with prescribed medications. It is important that you do NOT start or stop any prescription medications, vitamins or supplements without talking to your primary care physician first. All of the products mentioned in this course have been scientifically tested by their manufacturers and independently reviewed for quality by others who are qualified to do so.

By enrolling in this course, you understand the above statements.